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Songwriter Workshop (Sept 24 * Closed)

240 US dollars
Grant Collinsworth (Held At Star City Studios)


Apologies! Booking for this workshop is no longer available. Please check the booking services for the next scheduled workshop.

Cancellation Policy

The enrollment fee will become non-refundable (on and thereafter) 24 hours immediately preceding the workshop's scheduled start date. If a scheduling conflict should arise; we will accommodate by offering alternative date/time arrangements. This Workshop Enrollment/Subscription is valid for the duration of the indicated session dates and/or any other mutually agreed upon arrangements (not to exceed 8 session hours).

 See Description; Map and Schedule-Information below

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Book Before FEB 03 and receive $100.00 OFF your enrollment Fee.  Use PROMO CODE: 022525 at checkout

Contact Details 

Workshop Location:       Star City Studio Productions (See map) 
Contact:                           Grant Collinsworth
Phn (Voice msg only):    915-307-2390
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